Monday, September 11, 2023

4 Bohol teachers honored
for dedication during NTM

CORTES, Bohol, Sept 9 (PIA)—Two Boholano teachers in the elementary and two more in secondary school who rendered extra efforts to advance learning earned distinction when their life stories as teachers were shared to the 2000 teachers gathered at the Bohol Wisdom Gym for the National Teachers’ Month 2023 kick-off.

Presented as models of service and dedication to learners in Bohol were Master Teacher II Agustina Doloritos of Totolan Dauis Elementary School, Master teacher 1 Guadalupe Boiser of Loon South Central Elementary School, Secondary School Teacher III Luciano Bargaso of Japer Memorial High School and Master Teacher 1 Pablita Cabarles of Manga National High School, Tagbilaran City.

For Doloritos, she came to Totolan Elementary School in Dauis and was to handle a class of 53 Grade 1 learners, a portion of then were from the town’s Badjao community, which has their own language, culure and beliefs.

Seeing the language barrier as a huge challenge, she decided to learn to speak Badjao by listening to parents speak and listing new words every day so she could speak and understand the learners.

As DepED transitioned to the use of the mother tongue, she was already a few steps ahead and this she complemented with the contextualized and indigenized learning materials based on the indigenous peoples’ education, making her a favorite among Muslim pupils and learners.

On the other hand, Master Teacher 1 Guadalupe Boiser, a Special Education Itinerant teacher of Loon South Central Elementary School, confessed that it all started as a dream, but literally.

She shared that when she was young, she dreamt of dots, which she later found out to be Braille, an alphabet for the visually impaired and the deaf mute.

As SPED teacher itinerant teacher, Boiser makes home visits, clocking on 3-4 learners a week, sometimes going out of her district and crossing dangerous seas if only to provide teaching guidance for her students who wish to read braille and attend to those students with different disabilities.

Now with students about to successfully scale past college, her relentless dedication to service, many of her students have how embraced that hope that somehow, they can finish college and be independent has been a good preparaton for their future.

IN Sagbayan, Secondary School Teacher Luciano Bargaso, of Triple Union Catigbian has been a robotics coach for Japer Memorial School.

Sent for training and is a part of the DepED Bohol Roboholics team, Bargaso prepared his students for a competition, during the times when power in Bohol has down due to Odette.

Without electricity, Bargaso devised ways for students to practice for the upcoming First LegoLeague Philippines, a robotics competition joined in by the country’s best schools.

They, in turn bagged the Second Place overall at the national competition and came home with yet another accolade: Best Project Innovation, which was their passport to the world competitions in Southern California.

They also bagged the First place in the First Philippine Robotics Olympiad held in Olongapo City, which allows then to get a slot to represent the Philippines to the World Robot Olympiad in Panama this November.

On the other hand, Master Teacher Pablita Cabarles who has 27 solid years of teaching agriculture in the senior high school, has been an accredited Gulayan sa Paaralan Program Implementor, won the 2023 Civil Service Commission Pag-asa Award for Outstanding Government Service,

Teaching and coordinating Technology Livelihood Education and technology and vocational livelihood strands, she has under her Agriculture, which sees to it that the Gulayan sa Paaralan is up and about every season.

Keeping garden patches plus a livestock pen, she also guides her student in fishpond management of tilapia, and with an apparent lack of surface to splurge into planting , she also introduced urban gardening.

Teaching agriculture in the city has never been as meaningful to Cabarles who finds the perfect chance to motivate students to fill in and take the challenge of producing food for the community, especially with farmers getting older and order and the young more attuned to white collar jobs than actively into food production.

Dedication and hard work, love for the job: these are the shared characteristics of the teachers , who even in their own simple ways, never thought they could be honored, simply did what they are doing to get a sense of fulfillment in life. (PIA-7/Bohol)
MODELS OF DEDICATION. Teachers Agustina Doloritos, Luciano Bargaso, Guadalupe Boiser and Pablita Cabarles shared their experiences as teachers which could be an object of replication by teachers and educators. They were honored during the kick off ceremony of the National Teachers Month 2023, at the Bohol Wisdom School, Sept 5. (PIABohol)

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