Monday, October 23, 2023

Total crimes in Bohol rise 5.82%;
Camp Dagohoy says manageable

CORTES, Bohol, Oct 21 (PIA)—Total crimes representing the first 10 months in 2023 in Bohol grew by 5.82% compared to the same period last year, a report from Camp Francisco Dagohoy showed.

But with the increase, police authorities assured that these are well within the manageable levels and in fact, the details would show improvements in the general crime-busting figures, especially in the campaign against index crimes, which show how peace and order authorities fare in their law enforcement duties.

During the recent Provincial Peace and Order Council and Anti Drug Abuse Council Joint meetings held October 18, 2023 at the Capitol Ceremonial Hall, Camp Dagohoy, through Police Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Berondo, deputy director for operations, reporting for Police Colonel Lorenzo Batuan said that the crime statistics he is presenting is from January 1-October 15, of 2023 as against the same period last year.

He showed an increase of 30 cases in peace and order crimes and another 223 cases of crimes involving public safety in 2023.

From 2,108 crimes involving peace and order in 2022, it rose to 2,146 inn 2023, for a 1.8% increase in peace and order crime commissions, bared LtCol Berondo before the joint full council meeting.

And as to the crimes involving public safety the 223 cases make up for the 9.38% increase, he said.

From 2,377 crimes relating to public safety in 2022, another 223 cases were added to get to 2,600 or a 9.38% increase.

By averaging the two indicators, total crimes in 2022 reached 4,485, which upped 261 cases in 2023 with 4,746 or the 5.82%.

The silver lining however, he police official showed is that, index crimes, which could show how effective police and law enforcement campaign against crimes work, details an encouraging picture.

A strong indicator of the state of peace and order of a place, index crimes show active police work and their successes in their active campaigns.

For 625 index crime cases in 2022, the figure is now at 616 or 9 cases less, making up to a 1.44% decrease.

For the non-index crimes, usually the crimes committed against special laws, which the police can hardly keep a good grasp, Col Berondo showed that from 1,483 cases n 2022, it increased some 3.17% or 47 cases to tally 1,530 cases.

Despite the small win in the index crime enforcement, Camp Dagohoy sill scored 1 1.80% increase in crimes involving peace and order.

In the total non-index crimes, from an over-all tally of 1,483 in 2022, this grew by 47 cases or 3.17% to reach 1,530.

Even then, Camp Dagohoy still assesses Bohol’s crime situation as generally peaceful and that crimes commission is still manageable. (rahc/PIA-7/Bohol)
EXCEPTIONAL PPOC. Chief Col Lorenzo Batuan of the Bohol Provincial Police Office delegated PLtCol Joseph Berondo to present the crime situation during the recent PPOC, where the DILG also announced the exceptional functionality of the Council based on the Regional POC functionality audit. (rahc/PA-7/Bohol)
KEEPING THEM DOWN. PLtCOl Josep[h Berondo said Bohol’s number of physical injuries, murder, homicide and motornapping decreased in 2023, showing indeed some good signs that police are in control depite the 1:1200 police to population ratio. (PIAbohol)

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